Adega Ponte de Lima & Winzer Krems in Jane Macquitty's Top 50 Best White Wines for Summer!
21 July 2015
Jane Macquitty has included the Vinho Verde Branco from Adega Ponte de Lima and Winzer Krems' Grüner Veltliner in her list of 'Top 50 Best White Wines for Summer' in The Times.
Grüner Veltliner Trocken 2013:
"The Krems Cooperative in Niederösterreich is renowned for dry, delicate, crisp, refreshing grüners just like this one, with its fine, light, herb and yellow-stoned fruit-licked style."
The Times, 11th July 2015
Vinho Verde Branco 2014:
"This adega makes one of the best co-operative vinho verdes in the country - a predominantly loueiro grape blend, topped up with trajadura and arinto. With only 11 per cent alcohol, this beautiful, bold, zesty, lime blossom and freesia-perfumed white is perfect with grilled sardines or crispy whitebait."
The Times, 11th July 2015
Earlier this year Jane also recommended 'Portugal's racy, verdant, citrus-spiked 2014 Vinho Verde Adega Ponte de Lima' in a list of her top bottles for drinking outside (The Times, 6th June)
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